Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran
Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran
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350 Art, Social Media, and Dentistry with John Syrbu : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran

350 Art, Social Media, and Dentistry with John Syrbu : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran

4/3/2016 8:45:10 AM   |   Comments: 0   |   Views: 183



It is a huge honor today to be interviewing just a little young stud, a little 28-year-old John Syrbu, who's just hit the ground running. My oldest boy's the same age as you, so I feel like you're my oldest son, the same age as Eric. Your bio: John Syrbu is a dentist, author and illustrator. During dental school at the University of Iowa he started a face page called Dental Art and Humor, where he posted his own drawings as well as other entertaining and interesting dental media. He's also authored several books including The Complete Pre-Dental Guide to Modern Dentistry. His latest work Practical Social Media For Dentistry which I have right here.






Then visit his website John Syrbu, J-o-h-n, John. Syrbu is or his Facebook page for more information. You also on your bio, you also have a children's book, which I thought was pretty darn cool. Your Dental Art and Humor is intended for dental personnel and anyone who has a profound interest in both dentistry and creative humor. Then the children's book Tommy The Tooth, Tommy's New Friend. May you're just really creative. Are you more artist than dentist?




John :


Yeah, definitely. I'm a little more right brained.






What type of dentistry do you like? I'm just curious. You're so artistic, what type of dentistry.




John :


Well right now I really enjoy everything just because I'm so new at it, so everything's still new, fresh and interesting. Yeah, yeah. I really like endo. I really like pulling teeth. I really like cosmetics too. I just enjoy it all right now.






Well, that's awesome. What do you want to talk about today? You're born in Moldova, a little kidney bean country between Romania and the Ukraine, where your mom's brother is a dentist, still practicing there right?




John :


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's kind of interesting over there. You're either in private practice or in the public sector. He's actually in what's called the Poly Clinic there, where he has a room. It's just the one chair. He works with his wife and just kind of sees patients as they come in. He's also building his own private practice now to transition into his own building and so forth.






You know the majority of the world's 2,000,000 dentists are all a one operatory, one dentist, one employee model. I just got back from four countries, Medan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan. Japan's kind of like the United States. They all got three or four offices, but Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, everybody just has one operatory. If you go into a dental office and there's two operatories, then there's two dentists there. It's a very lean and mean model. A lot of these dentists, they make about the same as the American dentists. They might make 150, but they'll gross 300 and take home half of it.






Whereas in America most of the dentists take home 150, might gross 600, 700, because they've got that big expanded function model that is kind of a 1970's hangover model from when you would just take your costs, add a profit, submit your fees to the dental insurance company. Then they would pay a percentage of that. Then 40 years later now it's not cost plus profit equals your fee. It's the insurance companies telling you your fee and then you've got to work backwards from that fee minus your profit equals a budget.






The dentists really haven't switched from I'm just going to buy anything, add profit and submit a fee, to where you got to get a fee, subtract your profit and arrive at a budget. I don't see any dentists who are sitting around thinking about, well what costs am I going to cut? How am I going to downsize? They're still buying every shiny new toy. They want to buy a CBCT instead of have access to one. They want to buy a CAD Cam for 150, instead of taking an $18.00 impression and letting the lab do the CAD Cam. It's kind of different. Let's get back to you. What is it like? You just graduated in 2013, what is life like as a new dentist?




John :


It's great. Actually after graduation I did a GPR at the Minneapolis VA here in Minnesota. That was a really interesting thing to do afterwards. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who's thinking about it and think they might be interested in it, but at the same time it's not for everyone. My philosophy on it, is that you can't make a wrong choice no matter what you do. If you're going to go straight into practice, you're going to be glad you did that. If you did a GPR, you're going to be glad you did that too, just like me. There's no wrong way to do it.






Now are you married?




John :








Your wife is a dentist isn't she?




John :








Okay, so do you practice with your wife, or what's that like?




John :


No, no. We met on the first day of dental school. It's a classic love story.






That's just awesome.




John :


Then we were actually co-residents too right after. We were two of the four residents there. Then since then we just kind of got jobs in neighboring towns down here and we practice separately now.






That is just awesome. I tell every guy in dental school. The smartest move you can ever make is marry one of them girls in the class, because they'll make 10 grand a month, whereas you marry the girl at the Waffle House she'll spend $10,000 a month.




John :


There you go.






Congratulations on marrying someone who's going to earn 10 grand a month instead of blow 10 grand a month. Over your entire 40 year marriage that's a different swing of so many millions of dollars you can't even count it. It's pretty neat the research. When a dentist marries a dentist their divorce rate is only about 9%.




John :








The only other time you can find a 9% divorce rate is with arranged marriages in Asia. I'm serious. Because, your parents they don't tell you, an arranged marriage isn't you have to marry Sally Sue. The arranged marriage is we'll set you up with qualified leads and you'll marry one of these leads. They have a 9% divorce rate. Whereas a love marriage where you just go out and eat and marry the hottest girl you can find in a pair of blue jeans, that's about a 50% divorce rate. When a lawyer marries a lawyer, an MD an MD, a dentist a dentist, it's about a 9% divorce rate. You have so much in common. She's also an artist isn't she?




John :


Not exactly, not in the sense that she makes art.






I thought on your website I thought I saw a watercolor she did or something.




John :


No these are all mine back here.






Those are all yours? Okay.




John :


Those are all my cartoons and things.






I don't know if it's just the wording or whatever, but I kind of got the impression that one of those was your wife's, but that's not right.




John :


Not that I know of.






I'm pretty sure my mom dropped me on my head when I was a newborn baby. She doesn't remember, but I think the evidence is overwhelming. What do you want to do? You want to start talking about your books? You want to start us with, let's go in the order of your website, johnsyrbu.




John :







     Just think John, then s-y-r, Syr, then bu as in caribou. Let's start with your first book. Practical Social Media For Dentists. I'm holding up, if you're watching this on iTunes, you'll have to hallucinate. If you're on YouTube or Dentaltown, there it is. Talk about this book and why did you write a book?




John :


Sure. The way that I got started in Social Media, while just like everyone, you start with a personal account and everything. In dental school, just through, all the lectures and all of the boring part of it, the lecture part. I would just start drawing cartoons of what I was learning about. It just started out really dental specific cartoons. Then I eventually published those in the student newsletter. The National Student Newsletter when I went meetings and everything with ASDA. Somebody suggested, you should find a way to create a gallery almost. I just started a Facebook page called Dental Art and Humor. Some of my friends, dental students that I meet along the way that might want to keep up with me and everything.






What happened was, it quickly blew up into dentists around the world sharing all of my work to their practice pages when that became a possibility for them to have a business page and they needed content. They naturally turned towards funny dental comments and so forth. Over the years I've just kind of kept up with some of them and what they're doing. I've started formulating kind of my own theories about marketing and read other marketing books and so forth. I just kind of realized that dentists are either struggling and not really owning their social media presence, or just hiring it out and paying a company hundreds of dollars a month which may also not be very effective, because they're not as involved and they think they can just pitch it to the marketing company and have them interact with their patients.






It's a unique form of marketing where you really have to be present and you really have to participate and engage with your consumers or patients in our case. I just thought the most commonly asked questions. I've given a couple of talks about social media and everything. The most commonly asked questions are what do I post? How do I consistently create good content? What is good content. I just really strived to cover those in the book in the most direct way possible. Because, I think a lot of articles and things out there, dental journals, magazines just kind of talk about the fluff and the happiness in social media and how you can do all these different things, but it doesn't really tell you how to do it.






What I do is the best chapter in my book by far from what I've heard from reviews, is the 50 Ideas For Your Practice, where I literally just give you 50 ideas with examples from practices around the country and share their successes, and just kind of tell you what's popular there and what's not.






Okay. You can get this book on It's also an iBook, right?




John :


Yeah, yeah.






What is the iBook mean, just a digital book? It's not an audio book. It's a digital book.




John :


Yeah, yeah. It's just something you can look at on your SmartPhone, tablet, you can even put it on your MAC.






You've got to give them some of those 50 ideas though. You've got to give them some teasers.




John :


Oh, absolutely. Well, I've got a book right here. I can just start reading it off to you.






Yeah, read the damn book. Then they won't have to buy it on iTunes. Then you won't make any money on Amazon.




John :


How about. Here's one of the right before that. It's kind of characteristic of quality content. I can certainly talk about that and things that you should be looking for when you're thinking of creating content. This is really for the do-it-yourself dentist especially. If you're not going to pay someone to help you co-manage your social media account, then you've really got to step it up to the plate and participate in it and have everyone in the practice participate with you. Kind of create that culture, so that it can kind of start running itself almost.






Well you know what, when I saw your book. You know what the first thing I thought is, I've had my office for 28 years. What we've been doing for 28 years is when there's a good book, when someone's read a good book, we'll buy a copy for everyone. Then we'll give everybody a month or two to read it, and then we'll have a meeting on it. What I don't understand about dentists that don't want to do social media. It's easy to tell that you're a boy dentist and your wife is a girl dentist. To tell the difference between a boy and a girl, you've just got to be a  Neanderthal Cro-Magnum. It takes a little more sophistication to see that maybe you're from Moldova. I'm Irish or Mexican or Asian. That's not really that big of a deal.






The hardest thing to see is that you have four different people thinking. The seniors think differently from the baby boomers versus the Generation X'ers, the Millineals. I think a lot of people that are your age at 28, get the social media, but a lot of the older baby boomers and some of the seniors that are 55, 60, 65, 70, they don't really get in, but when I go in their offices. They don't get Facebook, but their damn assistants checks her Facebook 25 times a day, and if the whole office would read that and then he would outsource to someone who's in the practice, it'd be a lot easier to get pictures of patients, pictures of the dentist. You know what I mean? It'd be a lot easier to generate content, than it is if you outsource it for $500.00 a month to someone a 1000 miles away from your office.






Wouldn't you rather outsource it to an assistant who already has the natural behavior to check Facebook in her bed before you gets out and she checks her Facebook in her bed before she goes to sleep, than to send it clear across the country?




John :


That's definitely one way, yeah. You'd want to establish some basic policies in making sure that she's conveying the principles of the practice, the values of the practice.






Your book would do that for her?




John :


Well, oh absolutely. That's what I'm saying. Someone with no real knowledge of a business page on Facebook, I would definitely recommend starting with my book, just because it'll give you a good comprehensive overview and also specific examples of it. That's the thing. I'm not really a consultant or anything. I am a wet finger dentist. I practice four days a week. I don't have the time to visit with the practices and everything. I'm not with a certain company. I just wanted to do this, because I guess I like educating people, sharing knowledge that I know. I'm not really here to sell any type of product. I know that you have a lot of guests that have some type of subscription, some type of end goal. For me it's just I've got this information and I want to share it with the world.






Also, well start sharing. Take it away.




John :


All right, so I can just get you in the right mindset for creating content on Facebook. This is just kind of an excerpt from my book I guess. First carrot stick is to have a visual with every single post. These shouldn't really have very many text only posts, because you got to think about how people are viewing this content. The majority of them are just scrolling a mile a minute through their cell phones, right? Then it's just in the news feed whether you're on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. You're just scrolling a mile a minute. If you just look anywhere on your news feed, what's going to catch your eye?






It's going to be that picture or video, okay? Then when you look at the type of content you have, what do you notice first? You notice faces. You notice anything familiar with you. If you've got a group of people in a picture and then you've got a picture of a tooth, or a little cartoon. You're going to look at the people and see who you recognize and so forth. Absolutely a visual with every single one of your posts. That being said, if you do have a caption and you should, keep it concise. Facebook or really social media is all about quick tidbits that are easily digested. Easy to interpret. You look at it, you get exactly what's going on.






Facebook is not a place where you write paragraph form. If you have some topic that you're really passionate about do that in your blog. Even keep that concise. Nobody is going to read a whole research article. They're going to want a paragraph or two, a few pictures to look at, quick and easy. No one's got the time really as a standard patient to read about all the nuances of gingivitis. Okay, third characteristic. This comes from one of my favorite social marketers, Gary Vaynerchuk in a book he wrote called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. Basically, that's the way to sell the concept of give, give, give, ask. I see way too many dentists out there only asking and asking and advertising on social media.






That's really not what it's about, because social media is such a transparent platform, whenever you say call our office, or schedule an appointment, come in and see. No one's going to interact with that. No ones going to like an advertisement. Really you should always just be giving authentic tidbits of information or sharing fun photos from everything that you've done that day, or a special case, or a special patient came in. Someone came in for a cleaning and it was their birthday, so you got a picture with them and you had a little birthday present for them, just in case people come in on their birthday, something fun. It should just be an authentic interaction. There shouldn't really be a sales piece to it, because that's really not what's popular and what works on social media.






No one's going to interact with an advertisement. You kind of give, give, give. Then once you are ready to, if you're running a special promotion. If you are ready to try and do the call to action, more people will be more receptive to it, because you've given them so much, they almost have not committing to your call to action. That's the give, give, give, ask concept. Another one is just to blend in, these are almost tied together. Blending in is just saying, you have to kind of look, smell, feel exactly like the content. People are already signing on to these social media sites to look for. They're looking for updates from friends. Updates from family. They're looking at celebrities or businesses that they've chosen to follow.






They're just looking for that type of information. They're not really looking to call your office for an appointment when they're sitting in the line at the cafeteria waiting to get their food. They're just scrolling to have fun. Put out this information. Blend in with the content they're already looking for, rather than disrupting or disturbing it with your little sales pitch. Just really try to stay away from, unless you make an advertisement, really make your day-to-day posts just authentic interactions and kind of displaying and shouting out what your message is and what your story is. I'd say you try to think of your Facebook page almost like a diary or a collection of works from your day-to-day practice that in 50 years, you're going to be able to look back on and look at all these fun pictures. Look at all this great content that we've put out. Really just blend in with everything that's already on Facebook that people are looking for.






You just something profound, because I remember when I was a little kid and mom would always take me and my five sisters to the cemeteries and you'd see where your grandma and grandpa was. All you'd have is two dates with a dash. That dash is our whole life. Now read that Facebook has over 50,000,000 dead people of their 1,000,000,000, 300,000,000 pages, over 50,000,000 are already dead. That's going to be the ultimate cemetery plot, because your great, great grandchildren want to know Grandpa John Syrbu was. They can go to your Facebook page and scroll through your life.




John :


Wouldn't that be great if there was just an iPad on every tombstone and then you can just revisit their . . .






Yeah, yeah.




John :


I'm kidding.






But it's true though. I think the ultimate cemetery plot is going to be your social media page and your great, great grandkids will really know you. Compared to me, when I was looking at my great grandfather and it was just a tombstone with two dates and a dash. Then our grandkids will get to scroll back of they're ever bored. Sit there and really get to know their grandpa.




John :


That's a cool way to do it, yeah. I never thought of it like that. Moving on here, another characteristic is to really harness emotion and this brings up one of my quotes with the terms of marketing is that "Logic makes people think, but emotions make people act." You can put out an informational piece and say that bad brushing and flossing causes gingivitis. That's just something that'll make them think, but it really won't make them act. It really won't make them engage with the content in any way. Really try to harness some emotions in your post. Whether it be something funny or something that makes you feel good, or even something sad that happened in your community. You can just join the conversation about that.






It's just an emotional piece, so people are much more inclined to interact with something that'll elicit some type of emotion, rather than just boring information. That's another one. Another one is which pop culture? If something's going on right now, if an athlete talks out a tooth, go ahead and joint that conversation. Post about it. Share the article. Give your tidbits about it, because everyone looks to you as the expert on teeth. If something happens in the news, I've got an example here in my book, when Michael Buble, was at a concert. Swung his mic and chipped a tooth. He even posted a selfie of himself at the dentist's office with the nitros on there. Just stuff like that gets a lot of shares and a lot of likes, because people are familiar with it, so they can interact with it.






You've really got to leverage pop culture and leverage good timing too, so talk about it as soon as you see it, not five days later after you've thought of some grand statement on it. Then the other ones are just kind of be consistent. Be consistent in your message, so you do want to establish that culture and the values of the practice with anyone that's going to be actively posting to your Facebook page so that the message isn't lost. When consistency isn't there, you kind of get shaky on your message.






I want to ask you a question that's relevant now. A lot of people think the biggest sport in America is the Super Bowl. They say the NFL is the biggest and college bowl is number two. NASCAR is number there. Those are the only three sports that are gaining in money and revenue, market share, everything else is contracting. I think the biggest sport in America without a doubt is the election every four years. I think that is the craziest. Because, think of the last election. The White House cost like a billion. I think the whole election was like three or four billion dollars spent. After the last election the White House didn't change. The congress didn't change and the senate didn't change. All that fricking noise and all that money and all that chaos and nothing even changed.






A lot of these dentist's Facebook pages, there's a lot of politics on there. What do you think of a dentist posting their thoughts on the president, Trump or Hillary, or the NRA, or Obamacare? What do you think of the business implications when someone is looking at their local dentist's Facebook page and they're seeing a lot of stuff about politics?




John :


Extremely risky from my viewpoint.










John :


There's certainly things that you should be and shouldn't be posting about. I took a light hearted approach. I think you shared some of these was where I made some mimes with the candidates flossing and everything.






I did, I did.




John :


Something like that sure. Where you're not really taking a strong stance on it, but especially in an age that we live in. People are very vocal. People have strong opinions about things. They're not afraid at all to take to the Internet to let you know what they think. Look at Walter Palmer with Cecil the lion. His reputation was just immediately overnight, almost destroyed by people that have strong feelings one way or the other. His Yelp page was inundated with thousands and thousands of posts.






The reason I re-posted yours, you'd posted those on Dentally Incorrect on Dentaltown.




John :


Yeah, I love that thread.






What I liked about yours was you're an equal opportunity. Your exact post, you couldn't tell who your candidate was, because you made fun of all the front runners. You were just making a joke. When you posted that it wasn't like I could sit there and say, oh he's for Obamacare. He's against it. He's right winged, left winged, whatever. It was just funny. It was like pop culture and I'm going to make it funny. I'm an equal opportunity humorist. You know what I mean?




John :


There's a right way and a wrong way to do it.






As opposed to so many dentists on Facebook you absolutely know that they're just like militantly for or against gun control. For or against Obamacare. It just seems like so divisive. It's like why would you want to go into a town and tell people you're pro life, or pro choice, or pro Republican, or pro Democrat, or pro. Why would you want to go in there and divide your town, when you should be uniting them and let's celebrate oral health. It's like Nike. Nike took a 15,000 year old commodity shoe and turned into a feeling. Let's celebrate athleticism. Let's celebrate health. Let's celebrate athletes.






Let's combine this shoe with the greatest athletes and just celebrate putting on a shoe and getting healthy. I think the dentist's page should be uniting everybody to say, let's just celebrate keeping your teeth and getting rid of gum disease and cavities, and making your teeth whiter, brighter, sexier and just love your smile. You know what I mean?




John :








Not sit there and rant on gun control every third post.




John :


Absolutely. Yeah, keep it positive. Keep it uplifting. Even with the election just celebrate and encourage people to go out and vote, no matter who they're voting for. Just get involved in the process and be thankful that you live in a society that allows you to do that and everything. There's ways to turn anything into a good positive post.






You can sell good karma. That's a good deal just . . .




John :


Good vibrations.






Good vibrations.




John :


Yeah, yeah.






That was a Marky Mark song, wasn't it, Good Vibrations?




John :


I think so.






That was his one hit wonder song, before he went to Hollywood.




John :


Uh-huh, uh-huh. Speaking of celebrations, Happy International Women's Day. You should have been interviewing a women here.






I know.




John :


Should I go get my wig downstairs real quick.






We should just both tell everyone that we're pre-transgender, we're pre-surgical. We're really women on the inside just dying to get out but our operation, our Obamacare, I can't get in for surgery for another six weeks. It's really two women today. Yeah, isn't that funny. They've got a day for everything. They should have one day a year that is International Everything Day. Just get it all out. Beef Jerky, women, dentists, every day damn thing in one day. International Everything Day. What other tips would you give on there? Well, tell me this. I want you to do something different. I don't want you talking to the choir. A bunch of dental students and people under 35 or less. They all get it. Start talking to the, okay so I lived in a house with five guys in Dental School.






These guys, I don't want to say their names, because I don't want Craig Steichen and George Reed to find out I'm talking about them. These guys have never gotten on the Internet ever. If they want to buy a book on Amazon, Craig will just go tell his receptionist Anna to buy him a book. If he goes to a Town meeting, he walks up. Dentists are one of the last one professions, dentists and lawyers, where they all have a secretary. Their front desk, which asks as a secretary. Whereas most of the world has got rid of their secretaries. A lot of these guys they don't have any need for any of this stuff. Talk to the older guys for a minute that don't get social media. Also address them on your book. You've got Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest. I don't even know what the last are. What are these two?




John :


Oh SnapChat and Vine.






I didn't even know what those are. Why should they do it? Let's go back to why? Before telling them the directions on how to go from Phoenix to LA. Tell them why they want to go to LA and do they have to do every damn one. If you're only going to do three, what three would you do in order of most return on your time, money, to lease and why?




John :


Sure. As far as why, think of it this way. When a patient wants to find out about, let's talk about the hypothetical new patient that's looking for a new dentist. Maybe they just moved in and they're kind of getting everything squared away, so then they're kind of looking for a new dentist. What are they going to do? They might get a few fliers in the mail. They might just Google dentists my town. Then they're going to look at a few of them. They're going to look at a good three or four, because any time you make a decision you want to have something to compare it to, and you're going to look at a few and go oh okay.






Then every dentist's website, well not everyone, but a lot of people have pretty decent websites now. They'll have a homepage and about page, their services, a few testimonials. As long as you've kind of got the basics there, you look just like any other dentist. Then how are you going to find out more information about it. The pathway from a patient to their dentist is really complex today. You're going to go online. Google their website. Check out their website. You might check out their reviews. You might want to look at what kind of person they are. What kind of practice do they run? Social media is really a great way to have someone instantly become familiar with the general feel and environment of your practice, because they're going to see pictures of you with patients.






They're going to see pictures of your staff enjoying themselves day-to-day having cookies in the break room, celebrating someone's birthday. Doing all these fun interesting things. All it takes is just a scroll through your timeline a little bit and instantly kind of get a feel for who you are and what you do. How are you going to communicate that in any other way on a consistent basis like that, except with social media? Can you think of any other form that would really be as authentic as that? You can do billboards. You can do TV commercials. There's all kinds of advertisements there, but when you really want to get to know someone, I mean even when I meet someone new for the first time, I'll Facebook them and just kind of scroll through their timeline to get a quick synopsis of what they've been up to lately, and what kinds of things they're into.






You know another really important thing about this social media is I don't know if your mom's brother can advertise in Moldova, but a lot of those countries like Hong Kong and Singapore, they ban advertisement. I think Romania, many of those countries they ban direct mail, billboards, TV, they ban all that stuff, but those laws are so old on the books that there wasn't social media when all those laws were written. A lot of this social media has gone into hyper-gear in all these countries that have banned advertising, because you know the lawyers can't throw you under the rug for Facebook, because like I say when those laws were written there was no social media. You're book will actually be far more valuable in Hong Kong and Singapore than it will be in America, where you can do any form of advertising.




John :


I need to have it translated then.






Yeah, but go back to all these deals. All these social medias. Do you recommend really that somebody should do them all? I've never even seen the last two? What'd you say these last two were? Vibe and what?




John :


SnapChat and Vine.






Do you recommend all of these?




John :


I'll tell you what? Obviously the big . . .






Go from most to least important on these.




John :


Sure. The elephant in the room is Facebook. It's by far the biggest. I'd say it's the most versatile absolutely as far as gaining traction, attracting patients, building the following and so forth, just because Facebook does, if you like a post, [inaudible 00:32:52] might see it. That's what you did and everything. It's a lot easier to get found and so forth. The quickest growing demographic on Facebook is these older people, because everyone real young is already on it and already moved on to other social medial platforms, but they still kind of keep it as their base. Facebook is just something that's very well established. Next in line as far as the tiers go I'd say are Twitter and Instagram. Twitter, I don't personally use Twitter on a personal level very consistently, but I'm very into Instagram and that's obviously a picture and video platform, short videos and everything.






Instagram is a little more limited, because you don't have that kind of algorithm where Facebook uses to decide what's on your news feed. Right now it's a free for all. Everything that every person that you like, if they post it, you're seeing it in your timeline. Then the only really way to discover it is to either advertise on Instagram or get found through hashtags and so forth. What I found that a lot of dentists are really gaining traction with on Instagram is just the dentists that take a ton of pictures of their dentistry and they've got a huge following of dental students around the world. I know dentists that have followings of tens or even hundreds of thousands on Instagram and their practice isn't necessarily gaining any traction from it, but they're just extremely popular and I like to follow them too, just because I'm interested in dentistry.






I found that on Instagram you can really get a good following of other dentists and like-minded people, but it's going to be a little harder to really gain.






Now Instagram is something you can only do on your SmartPhone, right? You can't do it on your PC right?




John :


Yeah, it's strictly a mobile platform.






Isn't that just kind of weird? Is it the only one that's like that? Why would they just knock off the whole desktop?




John :


SnapChat is also like that. Well, because that's kind of the trend. It just really wouldn't work as well on a desktop. I think of Pinterest as the desktop version of Instagram. The reason Pinterest works like that is, because of when you think of the concept of Pinterest it's almost like a board, when you've got pictures all over it. That really works well on a wide view platform of a desktop and you can see everything like that. Instagram is just kind of a linear . . .






You think Instagram is bigger than Pinterest?




John :


Overall yeah. Even just the user base, absolutely.






That's owned by Facebook right?




John :


Yeah, yeah. Facebook owns Instagram and I believe Twitter owns Vine, but I'd have to check my facts on that.






I notice on your book, Your Practical Social Media For Dentists, by John Syrbu, your first review is by the man himself, Ed Zuckerberg, the dentist father of Mark Zuckerberg, wrote you an amazing review. Then Jack Hadley, whose a partner in my social practice. Then Chris Salierno, Chief Editor of Dental Economics. Then my buddy Anne Marie, I can never say her last name.




John :








Ann Marie Gorczyca, author of It All Starts With Marketing Beyond, wrote you a great review. Then Alec Whitters, CEO of Higher Learning Technologies. What's Higher Learning Technologies?




John :


Actually I went to dental school with him. He was in my dental class. A very interesting story.






He's a dentist?




John :


He actually didn't graduate, because his company blew up.










John :


That'd be a really good one for your next podcast actually.






Will you fix me up with him?




John :


Absolutely, yeah, yeah.






Well, I haven't heard of a dental student who drops out and starts a company. Is he making more money than dentists?




John :


He's already worth more than anyone in our class.






That is just awesome.




John :


What he did, you know the Dental Decks platform, all those little flashcards?










John :


To study for Boards. He wanted to do away with that and he wanted to put those all on an app, on a SmartPhone. He contacted these companies asking them to do it, and nobody would do it. They decided it was a waste of time, so he ended up making an app for Dental Boards, and he has since moved on into nursing, medical, pharmacy. They're just basically a Boards Review app system. They're just killing it.






That is just awesome. Yeah, you'll fix me up with him?




John :








That is hilarious. Then the last review was Kara Babrowski, founder of Dental Hygiene with Kara RDH?




John :


Yeah, so Kara I just know through Facebook. She's got a popular Facebook page for hygienists and we kind of go back and forth and write to each other once in a while and share each other's content. She's just a really good resource for hygienists.






Right on. Do you want to still talk about Practical Social Media, or do you want to go to your next book?




John :


I'll talk about anything.






What do you think would be best?




John :


We can go all over the place. Sure we can mention some of my other projects.






Yeah, let's just go down the deal. Let's go with Dental Art and Humor. Dental Art and Humor is intended for dentists, dental personnel and anyone who has a profound interest in both dentistry and creative humor. Talk about that. What made you write that book?




John :


That's how I got started with my page Dental Art and Humor. It just kind of grew from there. It started out just with, I really like drawing and drawing cartoons. I really like kind of making witty comments and things like that. This started out strictly as a page for other dentists, just because it was so specific, but I've since kind of started creating content that patients might enjoy too, so that you don't have to understand as much of dental terminology and things like that to get the jokes. Dental Art and Humor really it's not so much a book, as much as just a collection of, I can't remember 50 or 60 dental cartoons on one page and on the other page it just explains any terminology that it uses.






It's just a really fun, kind of novelty book that you can just put out in your waiting room and patients can kind of look through it and have a chuckle with you. A lot of people, a lot of dentists will share a lot of my comics just on their Facebook page that patients can understand, like all the deciduous teeth having a dance and then you've got an old molar saying, no grinding. My content has been shared and stolen so many times.






You're the one who wrote that?




John :








You wrote the joke, the older molar telling the young deciduous teeth, no grinding?




John :


Absolutely. The one with the . . .






That was your joke?




John :


The one with the tooth looking at orange juice that says no pulp?






That's yours too? Oh, those are classics.




John :


Howard, on your personal Facebook page, you used one of my creations as your profile picture, when the two incisors like this has equality.






Oh, that was yours?




John :


Yeah, yeah.






Oh man that was so romantic to me, because my little brother's gay and we grew up in Kansas, which is the only state that is not allowed to teach evolution. They teach creationism. They just tortured him back there. They just tortured him. Did you write that when the Supreme Court ruled in on that?




John :


Yeah, yeah. It was just my take. Actually I got flak for that for being too political, because someone called me out and said, this is a page about Dental Art and Humor. We don't need politics in here. I'm like come on.






Gay people have teeth too, don't they?




John :








Don't gay people need to see a dentist too?




John :








Man what a rough childhood. My two oldest sisters were Catholic nuns and my little brother is Liberace. How would you like to sit around that Thanksgiving Dinner? Oh my God. That is just a hard to reconcile family dinner when you've got two Catholic nuns and a gay brother. Fun, fun times. Let's switch gears. The Complete Pre-Dental Guide to Modern Dentistry. An innovative and visual approach to understanding basic dental concepts and procedures. Was that for consumers or for dental students?




John :


That is for high school and college students, even maybe first year dental students considering a career in dentistry. I wrote that while in Dental School, at least the first edition, I wrote while in Dental School, because I was just blown away by how little I knew of the actual career of dentistry when I got into it. I couldn't tell you what a crown was. If your dad isn't a dentist, you might think that dentistry is great, because you make a lot of money and you don't have to work Fridays. That's how naïve it can be. All the literature out there I realize is just how to take the DAT. How to do well on your interviews and how to get into dental school, but nothing telling you, hey day-to-day what are you going to be doing for the rest of your life?






I basically just started writing and it turned into a book, and I authored and illustrated it. That's my most successful book by far and I don't do any advertising or marketing for it, just because I know that's what that audience is looking for.






It's going to be pre-dental people buying that book?




John :


Yeah, yeah. People have told me that . . .






How are they finding it? Are they finding it on the message board, student doctors or . . .




John :


It might be on there, I don't know. I just put it on Amazon and that's all I did.






Oh Amazon, okay.




John :








That's your number one selling book?




John :








You know what we need to do? You think at your age you think social media is huge. I'm an older guy. I'm old enough to be your dad and the Dentaltown Magazine, believe it or not it's mailed to 125,000 dentists every month. A lot of people think newspapers and magazines are going out of business and it's just simply not true. People aren't going to pay for a newspaper or magazine, but if you mail them a free magazine, they're monkeys. They're going to take it to their chair and they're going to read it. That's actually more influential than the Dentaltown website. The Dentaltown website really didn't even really start to become influential, we started it in '98, but it was about 2003, before it even started to get traction.






Facebook didn't start until 2004, but now I would say the websites about a 1/3, but the magazine is still 2/3rds. I'm sure someday the website will be all. You should write a review of your Practical Social Media For Dentists. Then when you write that up tell them, you should post your hall of fame cartoons. You should start in saying that equality, that no pulp, the ones that have been shared the most, because when you share those, you see the name there, but you don't read it and register.




John :


The name is really easy to crop out.






The no pulp, yeah the no pulp. You should do it. You'll sell a tone of books if you write a book review in the magazine. I think the theory of the book should be to write for the older people to. This would be a great book for the person in your office who's doing your social media, if the doc is not into it himself, you know what I mean? This is something the whole office should read, because I think if the whole office got on board, then they'd all be looking out for that one good picture of the day. It's a cute kid getting their first cleaning or somebody . . .




John :


Yeah, it can seem like a lot of work, unless you have a method to it. I talk about that a little bit in the book. Kind of creating that culture and making sure that everyone is on board to participate. Organizing it, creating a social calender basically, which is a literal calender in the break room somewhere. Just kind of mark down. I've got a list of all the holidays.






It sounds like your next app. Your next book should be an app.




John :


Important dates. There you go.






The Dental App Calender, where you just have that app and every day it has an idea.




John :


Yeah, yeah. You ought to hear a great investment for a dental office as far as increasing their content on Facebook is buy a selfie stick. As stupid as it is selfie sticks are so much fun. What really gets a lot of engagement is group photos, because there's a lot of people in it. Someone is going to know someone. If you can tag your assistants, your hygienists. All of their friends are going to see it and that is going to get a ton of attraction. It's just kind of a selfie stick. It lets you be in the photo too, because you're the one that's taking it and everything. Buy a selfie stick. Put it in the break room. At your monthly meetings take a group photo every single month that you have a meeting and just carry your self sticks to group events. If you do a 5K local events, everything. It's just a stupid, cheap little gimmick, but everyone has so much fun with it.






That is a great idea. Then I want to talk about your last book on your website of is Tommy the Tooth. I want to say something, just a little rant here. We've always been told that the whole world has gone from drinking water to drinking soda. They show us all these charts about pounds for sugar for consumed for a year and how it's been going up forever. Even though it's been leveling off and contracting a little bit, starting about three years ago. It's coming down now. When you go around the earth. Look at me, I overeat. I'm fat, but I haven't had a cavity in 28 years. When I go around to Indonesia and China and Malaysia. They all say that this generation consumes twice as much sugar as the last generation, but they have half the cavities, because they only relate to home care. They don't relate it to diet.






They also don't relate it to water fluoridation, because Singapore has community water fluoridation like Phoenix does. Tokyo doesn't have it, but in both places the decay rates plummeted, because of stuff like Tommy the Tooth, Tommy's New Friend, educating young kids. Getting parents involved in teaching kids how to brush and floss their teeth. The decay rate is coming down regardless of what fluoridation, or fluoride in the toothpaste or sugar consumption. It really has to do more with behavior. Not pretty much what you're eating diet. Which is so counter darn intuitive to what we hear from the ADA, the CDC, all the published literature. That's just not what the dentists are telling you when I go around to 50 different countries and talk to the people in the trenches.






Who cares about making grandma dentures? It's all about the kids. Pediatric dentistry is the most important branch of dentistry, and geriatric dentistry would have to be the least important. Talk about Tommy The Tooth, Tommy's New Friends. Do you think this book is going to actually get little kids to change their behavior and take care of their teeth better and prevent disease?




John :


Yes, so Tommy The Tooth really for me I enjoy writing and drawing. I just wanted to draw and write a little story about it. It's basically about a tooth that meets a new friend, who doesn't want to play with, because he's not brushed. He's got to go home. Ask for money. Get a toothbrush and so forth. There's a little brushing calender at the end that parents can photocopy and everything. I don't know. I didn't do the research and ask myself is this really effective? It was just a really fun thing that I did. A lot of his friends and grandma's of friends and everything really had a fun time reading it to their kids. Feel free to order one. Try it out. Write me a review and tell me how it went.






Well you know like I said. I've got a couple feet of stuff every month mailed to me for a little 100 page magazine. We've got to get rid of about three feet of stuff every month. Is that the cat? The cat is knocking over my computer. Anyway you've got carte blanche. When you want to write a series of reviews for this stuff, just write it up. Send it to, the editor is Tom Jacoby. Just, or he might be I think it's both. Then you can cc me Tom Jacoby is the editor. It's his call not mine, but I'll think he'll completely agree that this is just classic stuff.






Like I say, I'm doing this interview with you and I didn't know you were the one who did the no grinding at the deciduous dance.




John :


No one knows.






I know, so lets make them all know. You're hall of fame material.




John :


You know another thing, I started an As The News, which is a newsletter. If you want to have a comic section in Dentaltown, just a half page or fourth page. I don't know if some company will sponsor that or anything. I've got content for years, so I'm full of it.






You shouldn't tell people you're full of it, they might take that wrong. Yeah, yeah pitch that. E-mail that. Let's pitch it to the team. That's a great thing about Dentaltown. We don't have to be sponsored or anything, because it's a family owned business and we're rich. We don't have to do anything for money.




John :


That's great.






These podcasts are free. Almost everything is for free on Dentaltown. Like I say that just blew me away. I did not know. Those are probably the three most, what other most famous ones have you done? The deciduous non-grinding, the equality of the two teeth, the no pulp and the orange juice?




John :


There's a ton of them. I do a mime sometimes. You know the mime with Batman slapping Robin and Robin starts . . .






That was you?




John :


Saying, Dr. Oz said?






I don't care what Dr. Oz says.




John :


He's not a dentist.






That was you too?




John :








Oh my God, that is just. My God, we need to put a picture of your face in the magazine and these are the mimes that you, I mean really these are hall of famers.




John :


It's been viewed millions of times and I think if you're a dentist and use the Internet at all, you've seen some of my work, even though my name maybe wasn't on it and so forth.






Because, some of these people, they crop pictures out.




John :


Yeah, yeah. I know that happens.






You know what I always do when I share a picture? When I see a picture I don't save it to the desktop to share it. What I do is I right click it and where it says search for image on Google. Then it'll pull up all the images. Then you start with the biggest one, because it's the most clarity. It usually has the name on it, usually. I'd rather have 1000 x 800 image than a 300 x 200. What you just said. They want content on their Facebook page. Did I just hear you right? You're saying if you go to, j-o-h-n, John, Syrbu, S-y-r-b-u, that they just hit share for their dental page, right? They log on from their Facebook dental page and then they follow you and it shares their deal. Is that how it works?




John :


John Syrbu is just kind of something I created now that I have a few more books under my belt and projects. It's just kind of a hub for everything that I do. As far as these cartoons and everything, they're all on Dental Art and Humor. If you just Google Dental Art and Humor it'll take you right to the Facebook page, or it's just That's where all of these . . .






You're saying there's a www.dentalartandhumor.




John :


Nope, nope. I don't have a website for that.










John :


That's strictly. Yeah, there's a That's more just kind of me and what I, my projects and everything. Dental Art and Humor is where all of these original cartoons were posted. Since then they've been taken all over the board. That's where everything was originally posted and that's where you'll find all the content. Just check out Dental Art and Humor.






I'm still now following you. What's the website, Dental Art and Humor? Are you saying just Google Dental Art and Humor?




John :


It's just a Facebook page, Dental Art and Humor. That's all it is.










John :


I have an Instagram account.










John :








Okay, so




John :


Yeah, all one word.






No ampersand, just dental art and then a-n-d humor?




John :


Yeah, yeah, or you can just Google it. Just Google Dental Art and Humor.






Dental Art and Humor and it's right there?




John :








Man I really knew you were a stud, but I did not know that the most famous deals were all yours. That is seriously dude you just really, you just made me awestruck.




John :


(Laughing). Where the first impressions, the one with the tooth kind of mixing up an alginate and what do you do when I get a date tonight? I've got to make a good first impression, or Chuck Norris's teeth, stronger than titanium burrs and all that, yeah.










John :








You've got to be proud man. That is amazing.




John :


I just am full of, this is what I do for fun. I really hardly make any, any money whatsoever on this. It's just what I do. I can't stop.






Well, that's the key to a business. You first find the passion that something you want to do for free. Then you attach a business model to it. Twitter, Pinterest, all these big things made zero revenue for years. Then all of a sudden they figured out how to monetize them. Keep doing your passion. Keep doing the art. Keep building the brand name, then the business model will follow.




John :


All right.






It will. Just keep building your brand. Keep building your name. Everybody knows your work as Family Guy, they just don't know that you're Seth McFarland writing all this stuff. Start working on the John Syrbu and start associating that. Hey you're the Seth McFarland behind all this Family Guy stuff you see all the time. Just keep building it, because you're already doing it for fun. You're already doing it for free. That's how you start a business. Then the business model will kick in. You'll find a way to monetize it. I'll try to do everything I can to help you on that.




John :


Absolutely. Appreciate you having me on here. Then that way some Townies will . . .






I think having your artwork on Dentaltown, that's a qualified idea. Why the hell wouldn't we want to do that? That's just amazing. Like I say, I think you need to write an article, because everybody's seen your work, but I don't think anybody knows that Seth McFarland is John Syrbu, so put your big face up there. Put all those mimes. You're the guy behind all this stuff. Start touting your own horn. Start marketing the Seth McFarland part of the story.




John :


All right.






Then get that brand as big as, associated with all these things they see. Then the money will follow.




John :


Yeah, no I'd be happy to. I'd feel honored to in Dentaltown, because I really do just use Dentaltown and that's kind of my go-to. I really thing the impact of Dentaltown is huge in the dental industry from so many standpoints. Even when you say that other countries use Dentaltown as their textbooks almost, just the impact that it has is incredible. I just have a lot of respect for it. I'm a Townie. I use it everyday.






I just got back from Japan, Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia. It was just amazing how about one out of every fifth dentist that came up to me and talked in Indonesia or Malaysia. They get teary eyed, because they said when we were in dental school and our books were 15 years old. They were from China and they were in Mandarin Chinese. We don't even speak Mandarin. We'd get on Dentaltown and here's just stuff that was done yesterday and they'd get all teary eyed and they were just saying I feel like all the greatest stuff I learned in dental school was on Dentaltown while I was in class reading a 15-year-old book.






I keep telling these dentists, Dentaltown has nothing to do with the website. It's all the people posting amazing fricking cases on endo, perio, pedo, you name it and those guys are educating, they're literally educating dentists in 200 countries, every single time they're posting, you know what I mean?




John :


Yeah, yeah. You make me think of a good point just with that story. If I'm the Seth McFarland, John Syrbu or what not and you're the Howard Farran of Dentaltown, people probably originally knew Dentaltown much more than they knew who Howard Farran was, but it just goes to show you that even on social media you have about twice as many followers as Dentaltown, because people do want to connect with people. They don't like to follow brands nearly as much as they like to follow people. That's especially important for the dental industry, being a service industry, where we have such an intimate relationship with our patients. They know our name. They know our faces. They have their favorite hygienists.






That's why social media is so important and relevant in a dental office, because people are following people. All social media is just people interacting with other people. People like other people and that's just human nature. That's why I think social media has so much success and so many people are on it and using it, almost like an addiction. They just use it every single day, just because it's their way of interacting with the outside world. It's just a digital space.






All the businesses, no matter what business you're in. It doesn't matter if you're Intel, Microsoft, or a dental office. Everybody is saying spend 3-5% of revenue on advertising. That's the government's problem. They don't spend money advertising and so people are so anti-government, because they don't associate a face with the CDC or any of these departments or NASAs or whatever. Then those agencies don't spend any money on advertising, so they never really have that human relationship. You know what I mean?




John :


They need to up their PR a little bit.






Yeah, they need to put a human face behind all those agencies. Right now Americans pretty much only have a human face with the White House. There's hundreds of agencies that should be building their own identity where people would feel like their tax dollars are a lot more effective if they heard what they were doing with their money and a face. That's also why these corporate dental chains. No one's going to have a fuzzy feeling and connect to Aspen Dental. They're going to connect to the person that treated them at Aspen Dental. If that kid after two or three years at Aspen goes and sets up his own practice, they're going to follow that kid.




John :


Yeah, and especially if you are a private practice dentist, then you have any concern for corporations coming into your town and taking your patients and all of that. Then you really have to step up your and solidify and cement the relationship with you and your patients. Social media is obviously a great way to do that. If you have any look to the future as far as your practice. Right now, sure a lot of your practice the money coming in is from the the baby boomer generation and so forth, but when it comes time to interacting and cementing relationships with Millennials, good luck if you're not going to communicate on the way that they communicate, which is online and social media.






It's just not going to be, you're going to get taken over not only by corporate dentistry, but by some young shot that knows how to brand himself and how to connect with Millennials when they become the big moneymakers of the practice.






As a baby boomer ain't it true that Millennials are some damn lazy they're not going to come into the dentist anyway?




John :


I think so yeah. Unless their mom schedules their appointment.






That's the funniest thing. You always hear how the old people think Millennials are so lazy. They're not lazy, they just think differently. They're not going to do anything that they don't think is logical. You tell them to do a task and if they think it's illogical, they appear lazy, but they're just not going to do it. They just think differently. Hey, we're out of time. That's our hour. Hey John, seriously dude, I knew you were a hot little stud, but I didn't know you were that. I thought I was interviewing an amazing mind on social media. I didn't know that I was interviewing the guy who won the Oscar in it.






That's truly amazing. Send an e-mail to Tom Jacoby. Call him up. Talk to him. Pitch this deal. I think the comic thing. I think an article. I want to help you spread the word of everything you're doing. I think everything you're doing is just amazing. Thank you for all that you've done for dentistry buddy.




John :


It's been a lot of fun Howard. Thanks for having me.






All right, have a good day. Bye, bye.




John :





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